happy new Year 2017
This site is for airplane lovers & pilots
the passion of flying
Aircraft & Flying
Human Rights ? and bright shining lies THE STORY
last update 14J-17

Good day to you,
we moved the NEWs to another page and you will find more
up to date news on this site and of course links to our activities.
Mark F. Langenauer & Robert L. Trout
our Portfolio worldwide

Good day to you, we moved the NEWs to another page.
And you find a recorded INTRO message.
Bob trout THE REAL AVIATOR with his DC3 and this brings back memories to his own Airline with 3 of them online-
Henderson Executive Airport Las Vegas
The passion of flying
100 years ago the Wright Brothers flew a few meters..
Today we fly rom LHR to HKG, or LAX in 10+ hours watch 200+ movies and enjoy excellent meals. The B707/DC8 prepared the way, then the still amazing Concorde started the supersonic age!
The mighty Boeing 747 made travel affordable and today we fly the Airbus A380 to Asia Pacific or the US in best comfort.
My flying-spirit started with a KLM Viscount passenger flight, then I had lessons on the AS 202 Bravo HB-HEM, long before I did grab any Flight Magazine there was, today I still enjoy it and love to be on board...
Franco Burzi produced a Movie of my visit and flight at PILATUS AIRCRAFT in Stans-Switzerland