New Website in the making
Our new AIR1 Website is in the making and you are able to follow the progress anytime. It will use the latest WIX Software and we hope...

Li Jia with SIA B747300
One of the best violine player in the world with her father who passed away just short after this picture bwas taken. Li Jia did...

Proud of you
Today Khun Nan received in Phayao Thailand an award as outstanding teacher for her work regarding social competence with elderlys

Disifin NG hits Australia
Congratulations the first shipment of DISIFIN ANimal arrived in Australia + This is a very strict Country and we made it there, more soon

finest audio gear from lab4x
audio components We still have some of the finest audio components on stock. From BRYSTON, Heybrook, Tannoy to REVOX just click on the...

on the way to recovery
After some serious medical problems I am finally able to work again on my projects and wish you all ,a great new Year 2017..

Li Jia is not only a worldclass Violine Player and good friend she also holds PhD in law from the famous Oxford University in the UK

DISIFIN next gen
DISIFIN next gen made in England hits ASIA

IDC Story updated
Y ou will find the latest devolepement on the story on this subwebsite