If they want a war, fine they shall have it.
they took my LIFE from me
It has not been enough for the CLIENTIS-Bank to make more than a million Profit out of this home over the years, they destroy basically my life with the help of Mister Allenspach & Co.
All my personal papers have been taken including all my friends from my academic career and refrences from various pharmaceutical companies. Why do you have to throw away for example the US ID card my flying licence and several other government IDs is in a way schizophrenic. If I would have to look for a job I have nothing at all in hands to prove my education.
Not to mention Computers and CRF files with thousands of hours of work and some of it very confidential. From my partnership with Dr. Oesterreich & Partner Germany. Mastering Tapes of Li Jia Wang one of the most famous violine player in the world. Barbarian behaviour of this people.
R 10 March 2018