Lies and misleading behaviour
When I first met Mr. R. Allenspach he seemed to be a friendly chap. When I was listening to him, the way he talked to his staff raised some doubts. Well, then I was in very considerable pain, and could hardly walk up the stairs because of my knee problems (post op).
He asked what we should throw away, and I told him that many things there did not belong to me.They cleaned obviously the house and some old stuff not in my possession was collected by Mr. R. Allenspach. It was absolutely impossible for me to check everything since the house is very large. He then told me that he would do as he was instructed by the Clientis Bank, so basically he was saying that he is in charge, and will decide what and how to do. That situation was for me unbearable, because of the way valuable objects were removed, from tyres to expensive audio gear.
In my apartment they threw everything in boxes:I told them I would separate important items for myself, and would collect it myself. So I left all on the dinner table; including my life saving medication. When I returned after a short while everything was been removed without anyone asking me.
He then told me; don't worry you can collect all within two months all paid by the Clientis Bank. Now ladies and gentlemen my question why couldn't he leave it on the table?
But I knew his real character and intention a few days later. A good friend of mine MF helped me to clean the office, and we separated important items like files, laptops, computers and so on, including three PCs with important data: at least 10 years of work, including all separate hard discs. It was the 23rd of December and we worked until we both were so tired that we just couldn't continue working. Of course I was in great pain. But we did not worry and this thought was our biggest mistake, since Mr. R. Allenspach told us clearly that we would have enough time between Christmas and New Year since he was going for a holiday and would start working again on the 3rd of January 2017.
When we arrived on the 3rd of January everything was gone and taken away!
This action was enough for me, and you may imagine how you would feel once again in such a situation; when people like Mr. R. Allenspach lie straightforwardly in your face. Thirty years of work and ten thousands of Swiss francs worth of valuable belongings were all lost.. He didn't care much of course and asked for all keys for the cars. Now one of them is an extreme rare Volvo 780 Bertone in pristine condition worth 30000to 50000 Swiss Francs at least. The other 3 cars; all of them- Volvos 245, 480 and 960 valued at 15000 to 20000 Swiss Francs were also removed. Mr. R. Allenspach's comment: "They will all be stored in a big Hall, you can collect them anytime" This statement was another lie, since the cars were parked on a parking lot outside his company. We have photographs proving this truth.
But all is getting better. I contacted a good friend of mine to store all of my belongings in a hundred square m2 storage room (EPH AG). KF told me then that he needs time to prepare the warehouse. I contacted Mr. R. Allenspach to extend the storage for a few days he then answered that I have to pay his staff 60 Swiss francs per hour if I collect everything a few days later (MF was present during the call in his car on speakerphone).
Prior to this I contacted the Bank and of course I did as told. The person in charge Mr. Frevel was not available. So I contacted the lawyer of the Clientis Bank and he told me the case is closed, but he will send an email. I told the story to Mr. Buechel (lawyer) and he agreed to contact the Bank.
On that Thursday afternoon I also contacted the municipality of Oberuzwil for the same reason; to make sure that all will work out correctly. And this action was well before the deadline: Miss Hollenstein told me that the Bank definitely has no interest in keeping these things.
So far so good!
At the beginning of next week in calling the Clientis Bank, Mr. Frevel told me in a very rude way that everything has been removed and shredded??!! Sarcastically he added the comment, did you expect anything else from us!
Several hundred thousands of Swiss Francs shredded or destroyed? Including the cars and tonnes of material? From cash Money, Watches, Computers, Oscilloscopes, medical equipment and so on. Who believes this?
Some good attorneys are now taking care of this case and we will update you on this website.
R March 12, 2018