It has not been sufficient for the CLIENTIS-Bank to make more than a million profit out of this 300-year-old fully renovated Multi-family home over the years, but they also destroyed basically my life with the help of Mister R. Allenspach & Co.
From taking away four cars; including a Volvo 780 Bertone, which is extremely rare to find, and valued at about 30000 to 40000 Swiss Francs, a Volvo 245, 480 and 960, they also confiscated a rare Omega/Sinn watch valued at 25 to 30 thousand CHF, plus a vintage propeller from the Messerschmitt ME 110 Bomber flown by Rudolf Hess to England to negotiate the peace conditions for the Third Reich. Also taken: A collector hand painted picture of a Boeing B17/P47 Bomber-fighter over the Pacific during World War II. Loudspeakers and electronic Components valued between 200 and 400 thousand Swiss Francs: Antique Chinese art: all taken. The response from the Clientis Bank: this all has been "shredded".
Not to mention Computers, Hard-discs and files with thousands of hours of work and some of it confidential
(intellectual property).
In the case of a Smith and Wesson Revolver 357-4 Magnum black with holster the police even didn't care: also for my flying license and other very important documents. All this you will read about on this site.
We are now talking to lawyers in America to sue the Bank and authorities. This is a scandal I never expected in a civilized country like Switzerland. My friends all over the world standing by to teach this Clientis Bank a lesson they deserve.
R 12. March 2018

Dear ladies and gentlemen: In a few weeks time you'll find the story of this incredible casewhich took place in Switzerland, where a local Bank not only enforced an eviction and destroyed basically 40 years of my life & work, but also they took away indirectly some valuable items with the assistance of the mover by the name of Mr. Allenspach. From Omega watches to very rare paintings and Chinese art. This true accounting will definitely open everybody's eyes in seconds.
When I returned from the hospital post-op from a lifesaving surgery we did check inventory immediately and I realized in minutes that loudspeakers, and components were missing missing, in the amount of 60000 to 80000 Swiss Francs at least.
My injurieswere serious, and I was happy that we had Christmas time for recovery: the movers told us very clearly that they would not work between Christmas and New Year.
We started to separate (Triage) the office papers and valuable items. It was very obvious that the movers did a check of everything there which was valuable. They also removed 3-rd party belongings. We trusted Mr. R. Allenspach and this has been the biggest mistake in my life so far.
When we returned from the festive season, all was gone and I mean really all. We then contacted local authorities and they told us to contact the Bank.
R 12. March 2018

Mortages v/s rent(income) 90 - 130 K CHF

In the case of my two daughters of course this house should have been their home and of course later their heritage. My first daughter unfortunately suffers disease in have to be monitored 24 hours. All her belongings and Memories have been taken away. My second daughter is now in school and of course her memories are also gone since Mr. Allenspach removed the video camera and several cameras also with massive data from all the years. This is a magnitude of disrespect and money hunger I have n

In the case of my god father by the name of Paul Strubi you can see how heartless and disrespectful these people went to work. My Godfather was one of the pioneers in mechanical engineering in Switzerland. His name stands for massive construction like the gotthard tunnel lifter. The movers took everything without even asking and we are talking patents, draughts of the Machines he invented for the cheese manufacturing or chocolate industry. Not to talk about his ideas about flying. Everything tak

Once in a sunny day my secretary informed me that some people were asking to rent the flat in the second floor. I told her ok you manage this and let me know. Well they want to shoot a movie and for a few scenes they like to rent this apartment for one month. I did talk to the producer and he confirmed and I told him ok fine we will rent you the flat for this period. Two weeks later to big trucks arrived with about 70 people for this few shots. Well everything else is known from the Swiss TV a

coming up

Flying has always been my passion and I did realise that dream in the United States. One of the highest decorated pilot has been my left seat. And as you all me imagine not the most stupid people fly aircraft. I know how to handle difficult situation, including stalls. So now I put my hands on controls and use all my knowledge to go against people hurted me

Well when you started this company about 25 years ago we paid this bank a lot of money over the years. I have been through a difficult medical situations and some surgery needed in the near future and arrived basically half dead in Switzerland in October 2016. The bank then used the time to start this process as we know now. In the past I had a stable and good income from various sources and of course the bank has been very pleased the way they handled it is basically the point.