Stanley's page

Former Lecturer and Inventor Stanley Marquiss, U.C. Davis
Sacramento USA
From an academic point of view my experience was as a Lecturer at the University of California, Davis, teaching Technical and Scientific Writing to PhD Candidates in the Sciences. My own course work was primarily in logical language structures culminating with the semantic influence of humor on Artificial Intelligence.
From a entrepreneurial point of view I was the founder of ESS, a successful high end audio company, and of several other companies as well.
I have a series of granted US and European patents, covering a range of projects including clean energy and electric motor/generator design.
At the present moment I am focused on deigning a clean electric vehicle; which uses high electrical energy per cubic volume super capacitors as both essential physical structure and as electrical energy storage, thus introducing the advanced concept of INTELLIGENT ARCHITECTURE into transportation design.
Stanley Marquiss
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY we find ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. We know that several leading theorists, such as Steven Hawking, and prominent technologists, such as Elon Musk think this path forward generally is very dangerous and the most significant risk to humans generally. I did a study some time ago called ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND HUMAN MORTALITY, which discussed incorporating logic subroutines within computer programs simulating mortality consciousness, thus bridging the single greatest theoretical and practical divide between human intelligence and artificial intelligence.
Inventions and R&D work by Stanley Marquiss
Here we will begin adding patented projects, which are related to audio generally. The first project we'll discuss is an ACTIVE FREEWAY NOISE CONTROL SYSTEM using unique transducers capable of generating Direct Air Current pulses in a wave train. These active large scale AIR MOTION TRANSFORMER drivers were developed from our earlier actuator sub-sub woofer which had extremely deep infrasonic bass response.
From these large patented transducers we are now further developing a full range ultimate high end full range AMT system.
R 26F-17
Here is the Title page for a granted US Patent on the hardware operation of the ACTIVE FREEWAY NOISE CONTROL SYSTEM. The physical design of the EXTREME LOW FREQUENCY transducers is shown in the patent. The theory of operation is that the large planar diaphragms, which are hinged along a vertical center line, impart an air mass acceleration either inward or outward, via a converging, diverging motion, thus creating a pulsed DC wave train.
This pulsed DC wave moves through the air between transducer cylinders, raising the local air molecule energy level as the pulses move through the air, creating a pressure offset as a wind would do for sound moving against the direction of wind flow.