Mission Statement Feb 21 2018
Most of us, and many of you have been lifetime audiophiles, interested in the best possible verbatim reproduction of live music. Following this path usually means much equipment experimentation in seeking out design and designer principles and practices which best support the music itself. Over time certain playback system choices stand out, as highest level emotionally and spiritually satisfying. For me in the Golden age of audio, multiple KLH 9 full range electrostatic panels voiced by Arthur Janszen, driven by Marantz 9 mono-bloc vacuum tube amplifiers were very near the top.
A reviewer once asked Henry Kloss, one of the key original participants of Acoustical Research, then founder of KLH and Advent, to name the best loudspeaker he had ever produced. Kloss unhesitatingly said the KLH 9. He hadn't designed it, but he built it at KLH, and was honest about his praise, much like Enzo Ferrari stating that the original Jaguar XKE was one of the most beautiful cars he had ever seen.
Over time we graduated on to custom reproduction playback systems, such as double stacked original QUAD electrostatics, crossed over electronically on top to Ionofane 'blue glow' ionic tweeters with their flawless transient response on out to beyond 100,000 HZ. On the bottom end the Quads were crossed over to KEF B 139 drivers into English Arthur Bailey type transmission line subwoofers.
This system became the foundation of the Trans-Static I which in turn became the foundation of ESS. Naming all the equipment over all the years would be a challenge, even with perfect recall. But the best times, and the best sounds, remain in a clarity of detail which only the most memorable events truly possess, as in a live performance, such as visit to the Thomaskirche in Leipzig on a Sunday in December for a performance of J. S. Bach's CHRISTMAS ORATORIO.
Our mission is to preserve the best features of the best equipment out of the many examples we have experienced firsthand, and then to incorporate all the best into our own designs, based on our high appreciation of the success other have had in following that same uncompromising highest fidelity path.
We intend then to make only All the best then literally, for all of you,
Stanley Marquiss and Mark F. Langenauer
Sacramento USA Feb 21 2018