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Last update June 16. 2019
Dr. Stanley Marquiss left us

Dear audiophile,
On this website we will present to you some of the finest products in the market today based on the experience of more than 30 years. Lab4x will present to you some Innovations from all over the world: for example state of the art loudspeaker designs by Stanley Marquiss and, of course, some written guidelines for the true audio enthusiast.
The I-BEAM tactile Transducer
AEMPYREAN USA-TLS Monitor Speakers by Stanley Marquiss
Lyric Valve Amplifiers handmade in Germany
Cayin Audio Components for the entry level Audiophile
Tidal Audio Benchmark German Audio Components
Audiogram Italian Design Audio Components
Lyric Valve Amplifiers made in Germany
Lab4x R&D news regarding Turntable and the Tempest Series Loudspeakers
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