Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519
the greatest artist of all times
The project
30 years ago the story starts in Lugano..
Leonardo da Vinci lebte zur Zeit der Renaissance, einer historischen Epoche im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Seine vielfältigen Kunstwerke, Erfindungen und Erkenntnisse bereichern die Welt noch heute. Hinter dem Künstler und Erfinder Leonardo da Vinci verbergen sich viele Geheimnisse und noch immer grübeln Wissenschaftler über das Leben des Universalgenies. Hinzu kommt, dass es kaum verlässliche Quellen über Leonardo gibt - und er selbst hat es den Wissenschaftlern und Forschern auch nicht gerade leicht gemacht, denn seine Aufzeichnungen schrieb Leonardo allesamt in Spiegelschrift.
last update Jan/2017 work in proress by Mark F. Langenauer
The Nude Gioconda
Leonardo da Vinci
Nude Gioconda ( 1495 - 1496 )
Size: 89 x 65.5 cm
1525 Gian Giacomo Caprotti (Salaino (Inventory by death)
1550 bought by Marcantonio Arese Milano
1627 inherited by Conte Bartolomeo Arese (1610 - 1674)
1674 inherited by his wife Contessa Lucrezia Arese
1683 inherited by her daughter, Contesse Margherita Arese Visconti Borromeo (married 1659)
1716 inherited by her son, Conte Giulio Visconti Boromeo Arese, Viceroy of Naples 1733 - 1736 (1667 - 1750)
1750 inherited by his daughter, Marchesa Paola Litta Visconti Borromeo Arese (married 1722)
1780 inherited by her son, Marchese Pompeo Litta Visconti Arese, Commisoner General of the armies of Austrian Lombardy (1727 - 1794)
1797 inherited by her daughter, Marchesa Claudia Litta Visconti Arese Cusani (married 1765)
1816 inherited by her daughter, Marchesa Beatrice Cusani Litta Modignani (married 1794)
1837 inherited by her son, Luigi Litta Modignani (1830 - 1855)
1865 bought by Milan Antiquarian Baslini
1876 bought by Mr. William Graham, London
1886 (09.04.) sold at auction at Christie's in London, lot 371 and although according to Christie's records it was bought by the Agnew Gallery, London, in fact it was inherited by the daughter of
Mr. Graham, the wife of Lord Kenneth Muir Mackenzie, London (died 1900)
1900 inherited by Lord Kenneth Muir Mackenzie, London (died 1930)
1930 inherited by his daughter, Mrs. Mark Hambourg, London
19?? Tooth Gallery, London
1960 Art Gallery Fasciani, Ascona / Locarno Switzerland since 1983 bought by the current property