Markus Frei - Engineering and supply chain manager
My dear friend Markus Frei
Joined us project and with his expertise in the and good management skills we definitely have a person with profound knowledge in the car industry.
Proven record in marketing and sales for years and knowledge in leadership.

Shrinivasan Pilley - R&D Research and Developement
Mumbay, India
Shrinivasan has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and currently works as Supplier Quality Engineering Intern at Embraer Executive Jets. The focus of his education has been Automotive Powertrain and Design for Manufacture and Assembly.
His past projects include powertrain selection, CFD coding, intelligent cruise control design, SAE Baja competition and many more.
His past job functions included product modeling and analysis of recoil components, fatigue stress analysis and quality planning. Currently, he is responsible for maintaining the supplier’s quality of aircraft interiors and functional parts.
Further, he aspires to contribute to electric/hybrid vehicle powertrain and battery development sector.

Nanne Pipskin - Administration & Compliance Officer
Nanne is our administration-compliance- officer with a proven background in teaching (with many awards and honors) further more experience in commercial entrepreneur-ship. Music and literature is her great passion besides work and an expert in politics from her bachelor of science and now working on her PhD is of course a big asset for the company and besides this she became a good personal friend.